Great Yorkshire Show Sheffield environmental movement environmental opportunities environmental opportunities sheffield environmental movement sem in the media

Great Yorkshire Show

Great Yorkshire Show SEM’s Maxwell Ayamba took a group of women from […]

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Environmental Opportunities

We use Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) an environmental citizenship science initiative to […]

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SEM In The Media

Press Articles Radio & Podcasts Television

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Current News

Flavian Obiero, a young Black Farmer of Tynefield Farm-

Future Countryside 2024 Conference

SEM’s Founder/CEO attended the Future Countryside 2024 conference at Syon House, London […]


Mark Hutchinson

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our […]



Environmental Opportunities

Helping Sheffield based groups discover the natural world. Get involved with a wide range of activities.

Outdoor Learning

From citizen science investigations that measure environmental pollution to learning about the health benefits of wild plants. We have a wide range of exciting outdoor learning opportunities.

Walking Groups

Getting out into the countryside  improves personal health and wellbeing. There are many groups that encourage people from black and minority ethnic communities to go walking in the UK countryside.

Sheffield Environmental Movement

We are passionate about the environment and work with BAMER community groups, Environmental & Heritage Organisations.

sheffield environmental movement funders 2022

How We Fund Raise – SEM receives support for delivery of our environmental projects and activities from a range of funding bodies. All our activities are dependent on funding – we need your support too!

SEM has been featured on Television, Radio and in the Press. One of our walking groups has even inspired a very successful play! See our Press and Media page to find out more.


We have published research in various academic journals and contributed to Government White papers about BAMER communities accessing green and open spaces – click the icon to find out more.



Work with us to help reconnect BAMER communites to green spaces and engage with Environmental Issues.

BAMER Groups

We work with BAMER community groups in Sheffield. Please get in touch for Environmental and Heritage opportunities.


We can provide opportunities for Environmental & Heritage Organisations to connect with the people we work wth. Contact SEM to find out more.

Schools & Colleges

Opportunities for Schools and Colleges in Sheffield to connect with local environmental and heritage organisations. Get in touch to find out more.


We are passionate supporters of campaigns that improve countryside access & wellbeing. Learn more about the campaigns we support.


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Charity Number 1166426