New Research – Just Walking Creative methods towards pedestrian equity

As part of the Walking Public/Walking Arts: walking, wellbeing and community during Covid 19 research, co-ordinated by the University of Glasgow and the University of Liverpool in 2021 which SEM contributed, Manchester hive publications have on May 28th 2024 published an article entitled, “Just walking: Creative methods towards pedestrian equity” which is about equity of access to green spaces. In this research, our CEO Maxwell offer his key reflections.

Here is a link to the article; Just walking: Creative methods towards pedestrian equity

Enhancing Access Opportunities Report

You can now read a report on enhancing access opportunities to rural spaces.

Working with the Kent Downs AONB unit, our CEO and founder Maxwell A. Ayamba BEM contributed to the reearch base of this report.

Commisioned by Defra the Enhancing Access Opportunities ELM Test and Trial Literature and Evidence Review and Recommendations report, addressed the concern that; ‘Barriers exist both before communities and individuals wishing to access and engage more with the environment … This Test and Trial sought to understand these barriers and provide evidence to recommend effective and practical ways to overcome them.’

You can download and read a copy of the report here.

Everyone’s Environment Programme

Our CEO Maxwell A Ayamba BEM recently contributed to a briefing entitled “How will the climate and nature crises impact people from Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority Communities? A briefing for charities and funders”

This briefing was developed as part of the NPC-coordinated Everyone’s Environment programme. which is a collaboration of over 40 social and environmental charities and funders to empower people from different social groups to have their needs reflected in environmental decision making and policy.

You can download the briefing from the NCP website. The acknowledgement in on page 22.

NCP (New Philanthropy Capital) desscribes intself as a “think tank and consultancy for the social sector.”

Connecting to Green Spaces Report